Culture first – caring for your staff is good for sustainability

Sustainability isn’t just taking care of the environment; it’s looking out for people too. Sounds like it should be easy, right? But “People and Culture” has been noted as a key challenge for many Ecoware customers. From a business perspective, this means supporting the health and happiness of your team, retaining talent and maintaining a positive culture. We thought we’d offer some insight into what we do at Ecoware to foster the culture we're proud of that's supportive of wellbeing.
We choose to work with a “culture first” framework that focuses on the following:
- A diverse and multicultural team who work on the foundations of friendship and mutual respect. This is important as our business challenges the status-quo and drives change in New Zealand. You need a tight team to navigate the boat through the storms.
- Shared goals. A culture that is concerned about environmental sustainability needs a shared commitment and buy-in from everyone. Get everyone on-board with your environmental goals from the moment they start work, so nothing slips through the cracks.
- Inclusion to empowerment. This is the crux of our culture. When our team feel included, they become more empowered in their role, leading to improved performance. We’re into table tennis, team sport, and celebrating birthdays and milestones in each of our team members. We have a bank of Ecoware traditions, which add good vibes to the office and ensure everyone feels supported.
- Integrating wellness. “Wellness” is the buzz word of the year, but we dig it and think it’s important. We thought we would show you Ecoware’s wellness plan that focuses on mental and physical wellbeing...