Why our compostable packaging is FSC® certified

We strive, wherever possible, to reduce the impact of our organisation which is why Ecoware holds the FSC® Chain of Custody (COC) Certification (FSC-C142978). Here we discuss our commitment to reducing the impact of our organisation and why we need to do more to protect the lungs of Mother Earth.
What does FSC® stand for?
Established in 1993, FSC® is the acronym for Forest Stewardship Council (organisation), a non-profit organisation.
FSC® certifications are internationally recognised as the most rigorous environmental and social standard for responsible forest management, promoting environmentally appropriate, socially beneficial, and economically viable management of the world's forests.
FSC® is also a certification standard established for managing Forests and Forest Products.
Why FSC®?
Providing the highest level of protection for rare and endangered forests and wildlife of any existing forest certification scheme, FSC® includes endorsements from the world's largest and most respected environmental NGOs, such as Greenpeace and WWF.
It also remains the only forest certification system that requires consultation with local Indigenous Peoples to protect their rights. The work of FSC® contributes toward achieving 40 targets under 14 sustainable development goals (SDGs).
What are the benefits of FSC®?
Environmental Protection largely—their forest management standards expand protection of water quality, prohibit harvest of rare old-growth forests and prevent loss of natural forest cover, which are all unique aspects of the system. The organisation provides two types of certification:
— FSC® Forest Management (FM) Certification
— FSC® Chain of Custody (COC) Certification
Ecoware and FSC®
Since its inception, Ecoware has focused on being the world's most forward-thinking, industry-leading, sustainable packaging company working towards accelerating a circular economy. We use the world's most advanced manufacturing technology to turn plants into packaging, enabling companies to remove polluting virgin plastics from their supply chain with low-emission, certified compostable packaging.
We use paper in some of our products—paper is the main component of our world-famous EcoCup, Birch, for our range of wooden cutlery and bamboo pulp for our food containers. Look for our FSC® certified products or ask for our FSC® certified products. And we want to know that we are using the world's most trusted organisation to audit and monitor our raw material supply.
We place immense value on supply chain transparency which is why Ecoware holds the FSC® Chain of Custody (COC) Certification, first issued in August 2018 (FSC-C142978). We do not manufacture, but we purchase from manufacturers who are FSC® certified.
What does chain of custody mean?
The FSC® Chain of Custody (CoC) system allows the tracking of FSC®-certified material from the forest to the consumer.
It is a method by which companies can show their commitment to the environment and responsible forest management.
Companies that have FSC® chain of custody certification can use FSC® trademarks and labels to promote their products.
The FSC® label provides a link between responsible production and responsible consumption and helps the consumer make socially and environmentally responsible buying decisions.
Understanding FSC® labels
While the FSC® logo makes a somewhat complicated process and the chains of supply easier to understand for us all, let us further elaborate:
— FSC® 100%: The product comes from FSC® certified forests.
— FSC® recycled: The wood or paper in a product comes from reclaimed material.
— FSC® mixed: At least 70% of the wood in a product comes from FSC-certified or recycled material, while 30% is controlled wood.
Beyond preserving trees, the FSC® forest management standards expand water quality protection, prohibit harvest of rare old-growth forests and loss of natural forest cover. And managed forests fall under the following categories.
Afforestation—planting trees in places where they never existed before. In Aotearoa, this includes dairy and beef farms converted to forestry.
Reforestation—replanting trees in places that were previously clear-cut. It occurs with plantations where cut trees are replanted within 18 months to protect the soil.
Proforestation—policies that allow existing forests to grow intact to their full ecological potential. Some forestry companies see the potential of areas to be regenerative, sequestering carbon. Potentially for selling carbon credits.
How to know if a product is certified
As more companies utilise third-party endorsements, we see increased visibility and demand for transparency, creating more responsible business practices. To learn more about FSC® Certified companies, materials and products, you can access the Global FSC® Certificate Database and Product Classification tool.
Promoting the responsible management of the world's forests
Last year, in a historic move to protect more than 85% of the world’s remaining forests, leaders of over 100 countries pledged to end deforestation by 2030. It’s a welcome effort - with parts of the Amazon now teetering past the tipping point. However, some critics argued it wasn’t ambitious enough, partly because the pledge isn’t binding, and 2030 is almost a decade away. The landmark agreement reflects a growing recognition of nature’s role in helping to address global warming rather than placing our hopes in tech that primarily doesn’t exist.
Another pledge came in the form of cutting methane emissions by 30% by 2030. The most recent IPCC report declared methane to be a top priority for mitigating climate change. At the same time, it has a shorter lifespan in the atmosphere. Methane is 80 times more potent than carbon dioxide. Its main drivers are agriculture (primarily cows), fossil fuels, and landfills. Over 100 countries signed on board for this pledge—which is excellent, except that the three top methane-emitting countries did not: China, Russia, and India. And similar to the deforestation pledge, this one is non-binding, meaning that there are essentially no consequences should any of these countries fail to meet the outlined commitments.
How businesses can do better
Our quest toward a paradigm shift from linear to circular began in 2011, utilising the most innovative, rapidly renewable plant materials to design and develop low-emission packaging intended for recovery, composted post-consumer use to be returned to the earth—full circle. We work with thirteen facilities across Aotearoa to recover compostable packaging and food waste via Compost Collect. If you are exploring packaging solutions, email us, and we’ll be in touch.